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Covid 19 – Bucking the trend

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As I have mentioned previously, as a health practitioner I am lucky to be in a position to observe, research and think through what is going on in the world at present, so I have managed to remain reasonably calm whilst some seem to be prone to knee-jerking reactions and panic.

How am I managing this with the continuously shifting sands, increasing mayhem and all the dooms day predictions? Well, I am sticking to my guns and continuing to pursue my goal to optimise our health as much as I can. It is all too easy to be loose focus when we are bombarded with dizzying statistics and expert advice that we partially don’t understand on a daily basis. Many are at risk of loosing their mind either with the lack of real human contact or else with worry for the future. Even if you are curious enough to stray from mainstream media and listen to some other perspectives, there are conspiracy theories that sound fantastical and probably only add to the confusion.

One of the only things that confuses me right now though, is:

  1. ‘Why are we not being advised to focus on taking responsibility for our own health to free up health care workers to fight the common enemy of COVID-19.’
  2. ‘Why are we not being asked to educate ourselves on how to boost the immune system at a very basic and general level?’
  3. ‘Why are we not being given some general hints such as eating lots of processed sugar may weaken your immune system and lead to inflammation? Instead the operations of cake-, confectionery- and other such ‘food’ providers are being curbed. Not that this is a bad thing, but isn’t it an opportunity missed to really educate people about how food, toxins, stress etc can affect their health and put them in a position to make informed decisions about the choices they can make to optimise their own health.

Don’t get me wrong, there have been reports of seeming healthy individuals falling victim to COVID-19, but it still stands to reason that the healthier you are, the better the chances of your body being able to fend off the virus so that you can hopefully be counted either among those who were not affected at all or who were asymptomatic.

Just to give you some examples of what measures I am taking to hopefully allow my body to respond appropriately if it needs to:

  1. I am continuing to keep my toxic exposures as low as possible, whilst continuing to reduce my known toxic burden – at this point in time I am focusing on areas that I am aware affect the lungs and where I know I have had exposures including
    • Mould toxicity – both in a water-damaged house years ago as well as here in Singapore, a climate that can promote the growth of mould
    • Aluminium – I have previous picked up elevated levels and I assume that some is in my lungs
    • Mercury – from amalgam removals by a non-biological dentist years ago, which still shows up at elevated levels
  2. Of course, I am taking antioxidants, immune-boosting supplements and tea, plus herbs that support lung function. At a very basic level, I am taking Vitamin C, Simplii Good Spirulina, Vitamin A, zinc and probiotics. To be honest most of these are not new in my daily regimen, but I have increased my dosages of late.
  3. I am ensuring that the air in my home is cleaned by my airpurifier and then by my Propolis Diffuser
  4. I am continuing to eat organic and healthy as much as possible, in fact I have started to make my own kombucha AND we are LOOSING WEIGHT
  5. I am spring cleaning my home with non-toxic cleaning materials and re-purposing the few plastic items I still have left in my home, as well as some items of clothing
  6. Happily I can continue to run outside in the green (with appropriate social distancing), but I am also making great use of my rebounder and my TRX at home and I am getting into BETTER SHAPE
  7. Most importantly of all though, I am staying inquisitive, keeping an open mind, keeping my mind active and continuing to learn/educate myself to make up my own mind about what is going on around me.

One of the things I look forward to these days is having the time to listen to seminars, do trainings and follow documentary series, for example from this evening (April 22 – 30) I am looking forward to watching 9 Episodes of The Truth About Vaccines free online in the hope of gaining a better understanding of the debate that is currently going on regarding antibody testing for COVID-19, versus the need to vaccinate.

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